Discovering A Microsoft 365 Backup Solution To Meet Your Needs

Over 150 million business users rely on Microsoft 365’s cloud-based email and applications. They realize the critical nature of utilizing this software for critical needs, but often don’t put thought into creating an office 365 backup strategy to protect the data that lives inside these emails and apps. It’s backed up by Microsoft in cloud, isn’t it?

Microsoft is solely concerned about service delivery, and Microsoft 365’s services don’t include data protection.

You Need to Add Microsoft 365 in Your Data Protection Strategy

Microsoft 365 is a productivity platform and the only backups offered are for internal use to recover their own data centers. They are not in the business to store data, but keep applications operational and allow businesses access to powerful tools.

With Microsoft not looking out for your disaster recovery and backup needs, its up to your management and IT team to establish a data protection strategy. If you still need convincing, checkout out 3 reasons why you need to backup Microsoft 365 which details common misconceptions and unearths vulnerabilities.

Microsoft 365 Backup and Recovery with Veeam

The cardinal rule for all backups is 3-2-1. 3 copies of your data, 2 different mediums, and 1 copy offsite. Microsoft 365 only keeps one copy of your data, has only a single medium and only exists in one location, negating the offsite nature of the storing.

Where Microsoft lacks, cloud to cloud backup shines. Veeam backup for Microsoft 365 meets and surpasses the 3-2-1 rule. To learn how and get a better scope of why Microsoft 365 backup is needed, read our ebook, Microsoft 365 Data Protection: Even the Cloud Experiences Storms.

CyberFortress Can Aid Your Microsoft 365 Backup Needs

Known as the recovery people, we excel in SaaS data backup and help clients from small businesses to mid-sized enterprises keep their businesses operational, no matter what. With many options and the ability to customize a solution, our experts are ready to field questions and guide you on your way to being protected. To get started, contact us.

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